God of War Launch Campaign

Campaign, social media • Client: Microsoft • Copywriting, copyediting, copy strategy


Once upon a time, Microsoft launched its own version of Twitch with a video-game streaming platform called Mixer. Though it no longer exists, it lives on in our hearts. Enjoy this amuse-bouche of my work to help launch the little platform that could.


The newest installment to one of PlayStation's biggest and most anticipated franchises deserved a social campaign equally as ambitious and, dare I say, deliciously absurd.

Instagram Triptych: Atreus | Fire Troll | Kratos

Above: Adapting the extremely intricate saga of the first three God of War games was a Herculean task, but a challenge we humbly accepted. Scripted by yours truly, this two-minute launch video was also designed, shot, and edited in-house by a scrappy team of four. We were pretty happy with how it turned out.


Stare into the depths of the beard, past the bristles and their tubular forms, and you’ll find the answers to every question that’s ever plagued your mind.