TAZO Selected Works

Campaign, social media • Client: TAZO • Creative direction, copywriting


This is not your average tea company.

Whether it’s through their unique blends, their regenerative growing practices, or commitment to environmental justice, TAZO is changing what you can expect from a tea company. My work on the brand ranged from creative direction and copywriting to campaign ideation and development of brand voice and tone.


General Social Media

What makes TAZO great? Their unexpected take on tea blends, for one. For another, they’re passionate about fighting the climate crisis in all the ways it affects you, me, and our neighbors. Which is to say we had the formidable task of creating content that gracefully sold tea and educated customers about the responsibility we—and all brands—have in becoming better allies for the planet and its people.


Climate Week

Coinciding with the annual Climate Week event in New York City, we helped TAZO host its our own digital companion celebration. In preparation, we teamed up with various local grassroots organizations and climate experts to create a week’s worth of content that delved into important topics like environmental justice, outdoor equity, and more. And serving as our virtual MC was none other than music superstar and passionate environmentalist SZA!


New Product Launch

To announce TAZO’s brand-new Refreshers and Unsweetened iced tea mixes, we pulled out allll the stops. Beautiful hydration-themed visuals. Copy that made you thirst for a taste. And a sweepstakes that gave customers a chance to win a prize bundle guaranteed to give their beach days a kick in the pants. Did we pull it off? You tell me…


We kicked things off by teasing the flavors of the new iced tea mixes with fun little riddles—like this one:


🧊 RIDDLE #1 🧊
Bright citrus power
Mixed with a beautiful flower,
I quench your thirst
So you can put your summer fun first.
What am I?

🧊 RIDDLE #3 🧊
From the land I grow
Into an iced glass I go.
I’m the best of two worlds:
I’ll quench your thirst
But keep you sipping lots till you burst!
What am I?

🧊 RIDDLE #2 🧊
One of us grows in a patch,
The other on a vine.
Put us together and we taste oh-so-divine.
What are we?


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